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Implementing a Culture of High Performance

Over the years, we have found that the right staff are output-focused, are motivated by productivity and need their leaders to help them focus on finishing jobs.

Once they finish a job, they get “job satisfaction” and this lifts their morale and self-esteem.

However, we also found that if staff have got dozens of small things to do, it actually causes them stress.

The best way to help them reduce stress is to ask them during your daily huddle meetings about the particular job they aim to finish that day before they clock off. Once they are able to finish their goals for the day, this will lift their spirits.

Here are three more pointers to help you reduce stress among your staff:

  1. Establish consistent daily huddles as it will help you and your staff identify which jobs can be finished today and not to start others until one is finished at a time.
  2. It’s important to schedule work over 12 months so the workload is spread and doesn’t come willy nilly. Having a job sit on the job register unattended can cause stress.
  3. Don’t encourage your staff to start a job until all missing info is in because having 20 half-finished jobs on their register can also cause additional stress.

We have seen companies send their staff off to motivation seminars, have pep talks or listen to motivational speakers. While they are helpful, these only address their symptoms and are only a band-aid solution.

They may lift their spirits for a few hours but if the underlying cause is not addressed then nothing will change once they get back to the office.

If you want to implement a culture of high performance which leads to high levels of self esteem and job satisfaction and fantastic staff morale,  then focus your staff’s attention on finishing jobs and attending only to 3 jobs at a time.

If they have more than 3 jobs on their “To Do” list, then help them prioritize the top 3 to focus on and ignore the rest. Try not to put jobs on their “To Do” list if they won’t get to them for a fortnight. This causes more anxiety.


P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are 4 ways we can help you grow your Accounting practice:

Download a free copy of our book – The Accountants 20 Hour Workweek –

In this free book, we highlight the No.1 strategy that’s had the biggest impact on building our own practice to run without the owners –

2. Join our free Wize Accountants Mastermind group
It’s our new free online community to share daily insights, tips and free tools to grow your practice —

3. Save $’000s in your practice every month with this new program

We’ve just released a new practice acceleration program which will help you save money and time every month whilst taking your practice to a new level of growth. See if you qualify –

4. Build your firm to run without you

We have the step-by-step plan to grow a seven-figure profit practice that can run without the owner. Would you like it? Send an email to for more information.